Thursday, January 5, 2012


Throughout my years of speaking and teaching I've diligently looked for a safe medium in which I could share about significant concepts of biblical truth that have burdened my heart and begged for expression toward a practical end. Teachers and authors have a risky challenge requiring sensitive responsibility when they communicate what they believe to be truth, especially those who seek to find a voice to address spiritual, social, and relational and other crucial human concerns, from a biblical premise. I take that role seriously, maybe too much so. Nonetheless, I know that the people who hear what I say and read what I write can be affected either positively or destructively depending on numerous factors not excluding their own personal filters for interpretation that cannot always be foreseen. Consequently, I’ve been hesitant to start a blog of any sort because I realize that there are scores of conflicting ideas floating around our world of information accumulation and I didn’t want to add to the increasing entangled mess. However, after much prayer and research, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best way I can advance my studies and teachings which previously I haven’t been able to get out to the people who need them, I’m starting this blog. In some ways I feel like a boxer slugging into a massive darkness not knowing whether what I’ll be writing will hit home. Originally I chose a black background for my design and white lettering to represent the truths I’ve been impressed to share. But since my blog has been up for a while, I decided to make it more colorful as the posts are taking on their own life. I know I don’t have all the answers and I know that what I write will offer a biblical perspective that may challenge the thinking of those who read them. But more than anything, I feel that to be affective for you my readers I must present to you the truths and views I’ve discovered from over 3 decades of ministry to give you a practical working response to God’s heart on issues you may deal with on a daily basis in contemporary times. I hope, that to the best of my ability, I can write for you by drawing from my years of research and studying in a manner that is understandable so that I can provide an accurate rendering of the topics related to Scriptures, from as close to the original languages of the Bible text as possible. I’m well aware that there are wide differences of opinion in translations, doctrines and ideologies about faith. Nonetheless, I have become very aware of the deficit of practical applicable teaching of biblical truths consistent with modern needs. Obviously this presents me with notable challenges and since blogging isn’t the primary emphasis of my ministry and teaching, and my time is consumed with various ministry activities, I have decided not to open these blogs for comments or dialogue. I respect your desire to exchange thoughts about what I write, but due to my limitations of time and energy, and the inevitability of the time consuming activity of answering continuous questions, I will not be making that angle of information exchange available. It is nevertheless, my hope that these blogs and topics will help you live in a manner that will cause you to affect your world so that you can practically demonstrate how a Christian should be living. It is also my sincere desire that these blogs will take the spookiness out of living a spiritually minded godly lifestyle. I hope to address a variety of topics and ask you to bear with me as this blog develops. Thank you for taking the time to read what I will eventually write and pray about what God wants to do in your life through what I blog. In His Service, Dr. Tamara Winslow