Monday, January 30, 2012


The pursuit of truth exceeds the definitions that modern epistemology embraces. Merriam-Webster's definition for epistemology is the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity. A Christian’s search of truth, however, is deeper than that. The pursuit of Kingdom Truth is not a investigation of knowledge or science, because knowledge and  science, in their own end, fluctuate indiscriminately dependent upon new discoveries that in the indeterminate future will very probably be proven incorrect or need adjustment. The truth of God’s Kingdom, that encompasses the entirety of how truth is manifested from God, is unchanging and constant. It is stable and never needs adjustment. Therefore, when I say we endeavor to grow in biblical truth, in actuality biblical truth is a part of what I have come to define as Kingdom Truth. Earlier in my blogs I listed the types of truth that make up what you can call Kingdom Truth.

See the list again

Truth in the Kingdom of God
Truth of God in His Character- Ex. 34:6; Jer 10:10
Truth of God in His Word- John 17:17; Ps 119:160; 1 Thess. 2:13 
Truth of God in His Spirit- John 16:13; 1 John 4:6
Truth of God in His Law- Ps 119:142
Truth of God in our Lives and His Ways- Way of Truth- Ps. 119:130; 2 Pet. 2:2
Truth of God in His works- Dan 4:37
Spiritual truths in doctrines-Gal. 5:7; 3:1
Jesus is- John 14:6
The message of the gospel- Col 1:5
The anointing- 1 John 2:27
Character Truth- Way of righteousness

Each of these expressions of truth are linked and one will not contradict the other. Our problem isn’t however whether these things are truth or not. Our problem is learning to interpret them accurately so we don’t create strongholds of thinking that take a truth and make it The Truth without considering the balancing factors coupled together. I’ve observed that when someone becomes enamored with one particular truth, in let’s say for example, God’s grace, and willfully ignores God’s holiness, the incorrect emphasis builds an unhealthy understanding of who God is in truth and eventually will produce a lifestyle that is contrary to what Christianity should look like in practice. Therefore, it we’re going to deal with our individual filters, we have to learn how to properly interpret the truths in God’s Kingdom.

The accumulation of knowledge, for the sake of bettering human life and understanding how things work, is not a bad thing. But knowledge of itself does not produce lasting stability and honorable character. For this reason, the search for truth cannot consist of merely the search for spiritual and biblical knowledge. It must include the discovery of what is foundational in God and buried at the base of what is life, as it genuinely exists. That means you have to dig. Now consider this!

An incorrect interpretation of anything eventually corrupts the application of what is misinterpreted.


 How we interpret and apply the Scriptures inadvertently affect each other. If you misinterpret what you read in the Bible or about God, then you will consequently misapply the principles and topics you’re investigating. Our application is therefore determined by our understanding. How you consequently live, therefore, is a manifestation of what you believe to be truth. We therefore expose our belief systems on a daily basis, even though we may not be consciously aware of it. I have been thinking a lot about the issue of conscience as of late. I'm increasingly aware that I often stand up for things or refute others that many people don’t understand and rationalize away. It’s hit me that I do so because of what I believe to be truth in my conscience. On the other hand when I observe well-meaning individuals carry on with life doing things I know to be offensive to God, contrary to His Word, and insensitive to what His Spirit requires, I realize that their conscience may not be developed in the same way as mine, because they have accepted another so-called truth, which is really not truth at all. This is a major dilemma and frightening if you consider that a vast number of believers have never even learned the most basic of Christian doctrine. Therefore, at some point in the future of this blog I want to write about conscience. It intrigues me and concerns me for our generations. So before we launch into another message about the pursuit of Kingdom Truth will you ask yourself one question? What filters am I interpreting Kingdom Truth through?  You see how you interpret truth will determine how you apply it! The truths you believe, are apparent to others because of how you live. Choosing to love the truth of God is a risky thing because people don’t think that way. Living Kingdom truth generally goes cross grain of human rationale because it isn’t religious; it’s foundationally spiritual. They love the truths of their feelings, experiences, and philosophies- if those can be called truth, their translations of the Bible and the list goes on. In my next blog I will begin to describe the 4 standards required for accurate interpretation of Kingdom Truth. Buckle your seat belts! This is gonna be a fun ride!