Thursday, November 21, 2013
Isa. 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
The darkness in your bedroom reminds you that only moments before you were comfortably asleep, and now, for no obvious reason, you lie awake, staring at the digital glowing numbers on your clock that screams it is 3 am. Why in the world are you awake when you should be sleeping? What's more, this same thing has been reoccurring, and it has become extremely annoying, because it simply doesn't make sense. Each time it's happened, you searched your heart and prayed hoping that maybe you're actually being spiritual and prompted to intercede. Yet, Heaven seems silent, even though you have a growing impression something is not right and going on in the unseen quiet of the night. So, for too many nights without explanation, from one o'clock to three, you are awake.
I have lost count of how many people have told me that this very thing has been happening to them for many months now. They come from all age groups, vocations, male, female and many different levels of spiritual maturity. Furthermore, they all share the same experience producing the same question. Why am I waking up at the nearly the same time each night? Some of these people have also done their best to spend those moments praying, while others have related that they sense a sort of foreboding or evil skulking nearby. Its disconcerting, especially when the reasons for this are unclear.
As I've been seeking the Lord about these similar circumstances, and trying to grasp what is happening, I have come to a conclusion that needs to be considered, even though it could sound odd to those of you who read it. Please bear with me. I'm not inclined to elevate the powers of darkness, but I also know that they are very real and determined to cause the people of God damage and distress. So, as you read, test it with your spirit and the Word.
I am becoming increasingly convinced that there is a rising level of spiritual warfare, demonic activity and ungodly practices occurring in the twilight hours, while the saints sleep. I also believe these things are intentionally aimed at the people of God. The combination of these ungodly spiritual factors are disrupting sleep patterns while inadvertently causing the saints to rise to a posture of alert, even though the believers don't know what's really going on. Because of this, I also have the sense that a new level of focused intercession and spiritual responsibility are soon to emerge on the scene because God gives strength and grace to defeat our mounting foes. The question is; What can be done to deal with it?
We do not contend with flesh and blood, and we need to remember that the unseen enemies of God don't play fair. They attack when we sleep because when you're in a state of repose, your will is not necessarily engaged and you are vulnerable. But even though this is a handicap, this does not mean the enemy has to win.
I've learned by experience that as the enemy aims his weapons at me, I must bring myself into a posture of prayer and faith, cutting off all negative and ungodly works of darkness. I love Isaiah 54:17 because it reminds me that the demonically oriented weapons formed against me don't have to prosper. I can refuse, renounce and cancel all forms of witchcraft, hexes, vexes, incantations, spells, all ungodly judgments, evil desires and thoughts that have become like a destructive agent working against me. I must condemn those things, deny the emphasis of their words and remind myself that God's deliverance for me is part of my heritage as a believer in the Lord. So when I awake early in the morning, I speak out this wonderful promise given to me and set these truths into operation because of what Jesus did for me on the cross in granting me a place of spiritual authority.
It wouldn't surprise me if before long there will be an growing number of believers being moved into place as spiritual watchman. Don't worry about getting your beauty rest! Let His grace strengthen you as He trains you to cooperate with Him in the wee hours of the morning. The enemy doesn't have to win.
In conclusion, feed yourself from His word. Drink deep of the truths of His promises to you. You have been made more than a conqueror and can grow in the authority He has made available to you because of His amazing victory in the Cross and the resurrection. These are times for faith and not fear! Sleep well!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Dr. Tamara Winslow's May 2013 Newsletter
Copyright Tamara Winslow © 2013
two pretty teenage girls paced nervously back and forth in the musty dark cave.
Their father looked like he’d aged twenty years since the destruction of the
cities and his wife’s untimely death. The sisters observed how his sunken eyes
stared into space, unseeing, but slowly moving side to side as if he was
watching something repeatedly horrific played out before him. His hands,
looking withered and gnarled like the ancient trunk a massive olive tree, were
motionless in his lap, except for the tension they screamed. The girls had
never seen him like this before. He’d always been a rock for them. But now,
things were different. They no longer had a place to call home. All the
comforts of possessions, family and friends were gone, and their mother had been
suddenly transformed before their eyes from the warm maternal figure they’d
loved into a grainy, dull pillar of salt. Now here in this isolated cave all
hope seemed gone. Their father had once been a leading, respected man in Sodom
but since the heavenly messengers visited at their front door everything had
changed. They full well knew that had they not fled with their parents they
would have died with the rest of the inhabitants of the cities. Several of
their siblings had chosen to remain and had perished. It was just too much to
take in and the shock of the annihilation of everything that they’d known had
left them spinning. Would they die here in this cave? Was there any reason to
live now that everything was gone? Their father had trusted that the God of his
uncle Abraham would care for them. But the girls knew little of that god. All
they knew was that they’d lost everything. Why would He care for them?
A creeping fear skulked into
their dizzied minds whilst their imaginations went wild. When trauma has its
way, mounting fears conceive progressively worse and immoral prospects, to the
end that the best of consciences is reasoned away in favor of the nastiest
debauchery, self-will and terror ridden defenses. What if?; becomes the
catalyst for eventual decision. Then moving with unified, evil purpose, the
girls coerced their crazed father to drink of their wine till he was insensibly
intoxicated. What’s more, he probably didn’t even remember what they’d done
until it was long over. For, once having seduced their own father with
incestuous action, generated by their mad fear developed in trauma, two babies
were conceived. These two boys would eventually grow up to found two idolatrous
nations of the worst sort. Moab, was the first of those offspring. Interestingly,
the scriptures seem to indicate that his birth, into a yet young world, appears
as if it may have set into motion the construction of a stronghold for a
demonic entity, or principality, who would also be tagged as Moab, and could
average Christian does not understand that strongholds, fortresses of
imaginations and philosophies, occupied by a particular strong men, are
constructed by human and demonic cooperation. Satan looks for people who will
enable and provide him with a way to build ungodly bastions in the earth, and
thereby, set up residence for an evil spirit to occupy. The daughters of Lot
cooperated with that fully. But we must keep in mind, it all originally began
with the trauma of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: or did it? Furthermore, if you’ll remember the prophecy
of Jeremiah, God will reverse Moab’s captivity and restore its fortunes in the
latter days. (Jer. 48:46-47) What does this all mean?
Jer 48:46 Woe be unto
thee, O Moab! the people of Chemosh perisheth: for thy sons are taken captives,
and thy daughters captives. 47 Yet will I bring again the captivity of Moab in
the latter days, saith the LORD. Thus far is the judgment of Moab. KJV
Jer 48:46 Woe to you, O
Moab! The people of [the god] Chemosh are undone; for your sons are taken away
captive and your daughters into captivity. 47 Yet will I reverse the captivity
and restore the fortunes of Moab in the latter days, says the Lord. Thus far is
the judgment on Moab. AMP
If this prophecy applies to our
time and lives, we need to pay attention to how it all began, because there is
nothing original or creative in how the enemy works. So, let’s take a little
while to examine the initial sequence of events, and the individuals directly involved
with this unpleasant historic episode and take a journey back in time to the
early years of Lot, long before he lived in Sodom. Once we understand Lot’s
frame of mind and the development of his character, we’ll be able to understand
how the platform for the family’s reaction to disaster developed and why trauma
plays a huge role in the re-establishment of this enemy so to affect the future
and potential revival in the earth. Then, you can grasp how Moab became an
ultimate next step in their young lives.
Gen 11:27 Now these
are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran
begat Lot.28 And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his
nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.29 And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the
name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the
daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah. 30 But Sarai was
barren; she had no child.31 And Terah
took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his
daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of
the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and
dwelt there.(KJV)
Gen 12:1-Now the LORD
had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and
from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:2 And I will make of
thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou
shalt be a blessing:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that
curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken
unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when
he departed out of Haran.5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's
son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they
had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and
into the land of Canaan they came.(KJV)
Lot is an interesting fellow.
The scriptures imply he was fatherless at a young age, later raised by his
grandfather, and eventually, reared by his uncle Abram (Abraham). Although,
having experienced a multi-generational family upbringing, one can’t help but
wonder if Lot longed for a stronger father figure than what he’d known since
his own father was out of the picture. In fact, it almost looks like Lot was a
tag-a-long, never quite fitting in, and never quite belonging to anyone. In
some ways you can’t help but question if Abram felt obligated to take Lot along
with him since Lot didn’t seem to have a clear purpose for life. What’s more,
one might ask if Abram was in some way’s disobedient by taking Lot along since
the point was made that he took Lot with him. On the other hand, maybe Lot was
more of an adventurous soul than what appears.
But, if you look at the lifestyle he was attracted to, it carries the
notion that he was looking for a more structured, secure living environment
than what he’d grown up in. I believe this was one of the reasons he chose to
live in the city limits of Sodom.
Gen 13:5-And Lot also,
which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents.6 And the land was not
able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was
great, so that they could not dwell together.7 And there was a strife between
the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the
Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land.8 And Abram said unto Lot,
Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my
herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren.9 Is not the whole land before
thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand,
then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will
go to the left.10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of
Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and
Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou
comest unto Zoar.11 Then Lot chose him
all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves
the one from the other.12 Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled
in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom.13 But the men of
Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.(KJV)
The combination of all the
biblical evidence seems to reveal that Lot struggled with deep feelings of
insignificance insinuating that he was unsatisfied with his life and limited
individual expression. In many ways, from how the scriptures read, it looks
like he originally lived off of Abram’s vision and accomplishments. What’s
more, we see in Gen. 13 that he’d become independently wealthy, so much so that
his success conflicted with Abram.
Consequently, as time progressed, strife developed between Abram’s and
Lot’s herdsmen over the difficulty finding enough pasture for their separate
flocks. In order to avert relational disaster, Abram offered Lot the
opportunity to go wherever he wanted. Yet, when given the choice pick of the
land, Lot selected what looked like the most prosperous area of the plain of
Jordan, even though it was connected to a very evil region and culture. Lot’s
choice was also entirely made from a natural perspective. We don’t know for
certain, but the scriptures don’t indicate if he included God in his decision
making process. He decided what he wanted based on what he thought looked like
the best way to go. In addition, Gen. 13:12 reveals that in his move away from
Abram, Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom, fully aware that the city was known
for great wickedness. All of these factors would eventually contribute to what
happened after he lost everything. He was primed for great trauma and Moab was
an eventuality waiting for the right situation to come on the scene.
Genesis 19:1 And there came two
angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them
rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;
(#1, Lot)
Genesis 19:8 Behold now, I have two
daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto
you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing;
for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. (#2 & 3, Lot's first
and second unmarried daughters)
Genesis 19:12 And the men said unto
Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons , and thy daughters,
and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place: (#4 &
5, Lot's first and second sons- Scholars differ concerning these sons )
Genesis 19:14 And Lot went out, and
spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters , and said, Up, get you
out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one
that mocked unto his sons in law. (#6 & 7, Lot's first and second married
daughters- Scholars differ as to who these were)
Genesis 19:14 And Lot went out, and
spake unto his sons in law , which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you
out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one
that mocked unto his sons in law. (#8 & 9, Lot's first and second
sons-in-law )[1]
the story line moves along, we eventually find Lot living in Sodom with his
wife and two virgin, unmarried daughters. The four of them lived together in
this home when the two heavenly messengers visited. There is a wide range of
opinion on how many children he actually had, and because of this it’s hard to
say for certain. What’s more, depending on which resource you use, there is
also an indication that he had at least two more daughters, who were married,
because Lot went to his son’s in laws to urge them to flee. The angels had also
asked him if he had any sons, although Lot did not seem to indicate that he had
sons, which means he did not have an heir. Finally, there is also no reason not
to suppose he may have also had grandchildren. Considering all these
possibilities, you can begin to see he’d accomplished what he had longed for:
significance of family, possessions, and position. He also must have been
substantially wealthy in order to be respected in the gates of the city as a
wise man. But one thing stands out. Even though he is described as righteous,
according to 2 Peter 2:7, and disturbed by the sinful lifestyles of Sodom’s
population, he didn’t seem to be strong enough to withstand the evils of the
society, or be an overcomer in the midst of the place. In fact, it’s logical to
assume that he probably had become so used to the ungodly influence of the
culture that he’d become warped in his thinking and conscience. This was a man
on the verge of compromise. Furthermore, we read how his children and son’s in
laws, swayed by the environment of the city, and mocked him when he tried to
warn them to leave lest they die in the impending judgment.
hard to imagine all the inner wrestling he must have experienced in that less
than 24 hour period. But at least he had the spiritual sense to recognize the
angels who warned him, and listen to their counsel, albeit hesitantly. Just put
yourself in his place for a moment. How would you respond if two heavenly
messengers appeared at your front door and told you that God was going to
destroy the city, including all you owned? Think about it. What would you do?
How would you react? Would you try to collect all your valuables and keepsakes?
Would you debate with the messengers in unbelief? Would you try to get others
to leave with you, and if they didn’t believe you, how would you feel? The
questions are endless. But in the end, your reactions would be determined on
what you were made of. You never know what really you’re made of until crisis
hits you head on. Your responses are a product of the relationship you have
with God, your knowledge of His word and the unshakable trust that cradles your
character and expressions. Multiplied trauma, like Lot and his family faced,
and more may be coming on the earth. All nations and all peoples could face it.
How will you react when those things accelerate around you?
great deal of time could be invested in describing what happened, and why, it
occurred in Sodom and Gomorrah. And, although this is a worthy subject, we need
to focus on how Moab emerged out of this traumatic event.
and his family obviously were not eager to leave their home or their loved
ones, who refused to heed the heavenly warnings. In fact, the scriptures reveal
that the angelic emissaries forcibly seized Lot and his family, and mercifully
dragged them out of the city to a safe distance so they could flee before
judgment fell. Lot still couldn’t handle the fact that he was going to lose
everything, and even after being instructed to flee to the mountains, he
pressed the angels to allow him to live in Zoar for fear of what might happen
to them if they hid in the nearby highlands. Then, even when they were granted
permission to do so, it wasn’t long before we read that Lot and his daughters
were taking shelter in a mountain cave.
Furthermore, though warned not to look back, Lot’s wife couldn’t resist,
and perished as she witnessed the firestorm. It’s hard to know what changed
Lot’s mind to go to the caves, but once he got there he slid into a deep
depression from the multiple traumas experienced.
daughters, also products of their former living environment and father’s
influence, exhibited great fear along with a lack of healthy moral conscience.
So as the effects of the traumatic loss overtook their souls they began to
rationalize away any form of sensible thinking. Please understand this. When
trust in God is absent, trauma wounds the human emotions, mind and will. Then,
rather than calling on God for help, those afflicted by the shock, make unwise
decisions based on a collection of feelings and thinking patterns.
was conceived and born because of the combination of Lot’s need for
significance and past, the influence of Sodom’s wicked environment on his
daughters, and an accumulation of emotional and mental processes that often
develop when trauma is present. If Moab is to reemerge in the last days, then a
similar mixture of conditions will need to be present to support its comeback.
Obviously, it won’t be identical, but trauma will be the driving force of its
Gen 19:30 And
Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with
him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two
daughters. 31 And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and
there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the
earth: 32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him,
that we may preserve seed of our father. 33 And they made their father drink
wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he
perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. 34 And it came to pass on
the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight
with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and
lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our Father.35 And they made their
father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and
he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.36 Thus were both the
daughters of Lot with child by their father.37 And the firstborn bare a son,
and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this
day.38 And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Benammi: the
same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day.KJV
Some of the emotions that played
a major role for Moab, the son of Lot, to be conceived are as follows. Pride,
over-powering grief, fear, despair, misplaced honor and blind denial. Each of
these feelings, or state of mind, entangled together to produce a condition of
exaggeration of reality that ended in self-deception. Lot’s daughters, for
example, allowed the question of “what if?” to so take over their fearful
thinking that they began to imagine the worst possible scenarios engulfing
them. The Middle Eastern culture encouraged and esteemed women who marry and
have offspring above singleness. To be single and childless was a shame no
woman could easily bear. Therefore, the thought of not finding a man to marry,
with no hope of producing offspring, was extremely distressing to the young
women. Furthermore, we have no idea how much Lot’s need for being successful,
and appearing fruitful through his own children, might have impacted his
daughter’s perceptions on what they must do to be acceptable. This ideology
produced a fear that was unrealistic, and catapulted them into additional
anxiety. All these things then were accompanied by a bizarre corrupted sense of
loyalty toward their father’s bloodline. They determined in a twisted way to
take it upon themselves to preserve their father’s seed. Honor of the elders
and family is a huge factor in many cultures and when it becomes perverted
anything can become acceptable to preserve the family name and line. To do
otherwise brings shame on the entire family. We don’t realize how far their thinking
had gone until we recognize that they feared there wouldn’t ever be another man
to come their way for marriage. This may sound logical, but it was highly
improbable. Maybe there were more things going on there than is written about.
But when trauma overtakes the weak-minded, a deliberate blindness sets in
because reality is too painful to accept and cope with. It’s hard to believe
anyone could go to such extremes without conviction of conscience. But these
girls did. Perhaps they’d been corrupted by Sodom’s worldly and pagan
influence. Nonetheless, their proud presumptuous actions reveal an inner
deficit of morals that was already present in their hearts. What’s more, their abnormal sense of loyalty promoted a resistance of healthy forward
motion. The “good ol’ days” and “how it used to be” commonly create an appeal
that is born out of a fear of stepping into the unknown. Uncertain of whether
they would ever find a spouse, they rejected that option, to settle for what
was familiar and safe. Traumatized people seek security in the past and what is
nearest to them because they deem that as being loyal to their roots, when in
reality it is an idolatry of the past. We’ll see repeatedly that Moab drives
people inward, propagating from one’s own seed without intermingling with
anything outside.
some reason Lot feared to remain in Zoar and fled to the mountain cave.
Obviously, he had a real problem with trusting God, even when God had made a
way of escape for him. Crucial decisions are best not made when you are in a
fearful frame of mind. Panic never produces faith or wisdom. So Lot, shaken by
the grievous loss of wife, home, possessions and family, made a questionable
choice. It is possible that the
wickedness of the region was not totally reduced by the destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah. However, escaping to the refuge of the cavern produced another
problem that almost always accompanies the rise of Moab. Lot and his daughters
were isolated.
even for a short season can produce hopelessness and despair, if you are not
trusting God. God made human beings for relationship and healthy interaction.
Moab gains strength when there is no support system. So without the check and
balance of healthy viewpoints on how to live, the daughters and Lot lost
perspective and erred to an extreme.
What was it, then, that initiated
the conception and eventual birth of Moab?
already seen how the pre-existing issues in both Lot and his daughters primed
the setting for the conception of Moab once the multiple traumas had occurred.
Still, the dastardly plot could not transpire if Lot was conscious of it. In
fact, Lot most probably would not have cooperated with their perverted
reasoning, had he been in full control of his senses. This meant that the two
daughters would need to do something to make him oblivious to their actions.
the scriptures, wine has almost always been a seductive tool of the enemy. It
desensitizes the mind. It blinds the spirit to responsible action, and it
deadens the conscience to right and wrong. In Lot’s case, the daughters made
him drink wine so that when he was intoxicated and unaware of what was
happening, they would do their dirty work. In essence, they overcame his will
with the use of the wine. Moab’s conception, birth and eventual lifestyle is
linked with, and compared to, a specific type of ungodly spiritual wine. Like
Babylon, in the book of Revelation, also described as bearing a cup of wine,
Moab best functions when one’s boundaries of discernment have been dismantled.
Much could be said about this wine, and what it may be linked with. But in Lot’s
case, his daughters knew what they were doing and did it with wicked intention.
I consider the collection of all of these conditions necessary for Moab’s
upcoming advent, I can’t help but wonder if one of the groups Moab hopes to
target will be unmarried young women. As trauma increases and loss engulfs
families, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the enemy aims to overwhelmingly
distress single women making them desperate enough to take matters of life into
their own hands outside of seeking God. I am in hopes this material will help
them avert the destructive damage the enemy intends against them.
Dr. Winslow started a Facebook Public Page on June 5, 2011 for the purpose of sharing short teachings and keeping people connected with her ministry. She now has over 250 followers and many readers from all over the world, and it's growing. Most recently she has been
posting short teachings about the ministry of the revivalist and revival and will continue to do so as the Lord leads. If you’re on
Facebook and want to be more connected with what she is doing, check her page
out. One word of caution though. She doesn’t answer questions, doesn’t do
counseling, and does not dialogue on this page, as it would take up her time
away from other things she needs to be focusing on. The address is at
“THE DRAMA OF TRAUMA: Exposing an End Times Enemy of Revival- MOAB”
Early in December
2012 Dr. Winslow sensed the Spirit of God urging her to write a series of
articles on the End Times Enemy of Revival- Moab, emphasizing how this foe
would be on the rise to overtake humanity through the onset of numerous global
and individual traumas. This particular message is not an easy one to convey
and in the past there has been huge resistance to it. However, as she began to
write it, others began to encourage her to put the entirety of the study into a
book form that would link modern events to the prophetic concepts of scripture
pertaining to today. For too many reasons to detail in this newsletter, she
began to assemble the material into chapter and book form. Her research took
her into all sorts of studies including the archeological evidences of the
giant races known as the Nephillim and the Emim, spoken of by 1 Enoch,
theologians and modern archeologists. It has been quite a ride looking at all
the angles of the history involved, even though much of it is only conjecture.
However, in connection with current events, she has gathered a wealth of
information on the increase of PTSD, (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and
interviewing individuals who have been affected by multiple traumas. This is an
unusual and interesting book, and she would value any prayer backing you might
want to do as the subject matter is deeply needed but also generates enemy resistance.
She hopes to complete the manuscript in early May. Dr. Winslow is sharing
excerpts from a few of the chapters of the book in her newsletter to acquaint
her readers with the significance of the issues.
Dr. Tamara is scheduling, for the months of June
onward. She is tentatively planning to be in Singapore, Canada and England this
year, as well as several other locations in the US. Currently her confirmed
schedule is as follows:
August 25th- Mount Vernon Foursquare
Fellowship, 5200 Eisenhower Ave. Ste. 200, Alexandria, VA 22304
Pastors Niki and Kelly Tsibaka
September 17th. Tuesday night service CHURCH ON THE LIVING EDGE 555 Markham Woods
Road Longwood, Florida
Bishop/ Pastor Mark Chironna
Scheduling a conference in England for late
October early November.
Please be
praying with her as she recovers from the dental work and plans her upcoming
travel schedule. If you would like for Dr. Winslow to speak at your church,
function or group, please contact her at her website and email her at
Due to the extensive dental work Dr. Winslow has
been undergoing, she has not been traveling and ministering. Instead she has
been spending the time at home recuperating, and when able, researching and
writing new books, newsletter articles, blogging, composing music and doing the
illustrations for her upcoming children’s books. She is in hopes to begin
traveling again in June if she receives invitations to do so. But at this point
in time the invitations are few.
Dr. Winslow does not draw a salary, or get a
regular paycheck, like the ministers and pastors of a local church setting. The
way God has supplied for her financial income and needs has usually been
through the meetings she does. In those services, she generally, though not
always, receives honorariums, and gains income from the sale of her products
along with some sales from her website. Then, on occasion someone led by the
Lord will send or wire a financial gift. Most people do not understand that
this is how she operates. So if God would lay her on your heart during these
quiet months to help her financially she would genuinely appreciate it.
Thankfully the bills for the dental work are covered. But each daily need is by
faith and any outside contribution is part of the walk of faith. Additionally,
if God is leading you to invite her to speak at your church or conference
please contact her through the email and we will get back to
you to see if something can be set up.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Dr. Tamara Winslow's April 2013 Newsletter
Tamara Winslow © 2013
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon,
and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the
sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men’s
hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
He sat there stunned, incapacitated
by the overwhelming daily bombardment of contradictory information presented
him. The accumulation of the news of repeated traumatic events was having its
pernicious way. So there, attempting to retreat in his safe, comfortable living
room, surrounded by his books, newspapers, and television, he was mute. The copious
materials he’d read, the rumors he’d been hearing, and the images he’d become
familiar with, were simply too much to take in. News commentaries contradicted
each other depending on which network they were aired by. Statistics varied
depending on which source the reporters and researchers deemed to be accurate.
Which one was right, if any? Who was giving the fair explanation for the bigger
picture of world events? Was anything trustworthy? Then, there was the weather.
Even though he was positive that climatic change was cyclical, he was
distressed by the increase of super storms pummeling his nation. Was there a
connection, a sign of judgment, or was it part of a larger climactic scheme
that interchanges every 100 years or so? There was evidence that pointed to
that. But was it more than that? On top of it all he’d lost his job, experienced
the deaths of numerous loved ones and suffered from intense relationship
conflicts. He was battle weary and he was thinking.
He puzzled over how various Christian
leaders predicted impending doom and judgment, while others promised prosperity
and foretold wonderful things, even a mighty revival. His friends talked about controversial
conspiracies as if they knew for certain what was happening. Yet, when he
questioned their specific information, they would robotically quote statistics
from the data of the groups they unquestionably followed. Some people pointed
fingers at the government leaders blaming them for everything from the economy
to the weather. Others believed the government would solve the massive
problems. If one thing was obvious, it was that the lines were being drawn and
sides were being taken based on convictions, values, belief systems and most of
all fear. There was so much to consider, and yet, there was no way to nail down
the truth of what was genuinely going on because so many things seemed hidden
in the shadows of endless, pointless discussion. It seemed that the masses were
tense with uncertainty. So as he sat there, pondering the immense obscurity
that troubled him, he discerned an insidious, mocking terror lurking nearby
ready to pounce at any moment. He could not yield to it. But he also felt like
he was too weak and incapable of fighting what he did not understand. Maybe it
would be best to just give in. But one thing he was convinced of. All the
information, the statistics and the forecasts, was gradually paralyzing him. Even
if he knew what to do, fear was trying to disable him.
Looking at this as an outsider,
you can easily surmise that he’s been traumatized by the repetitive painful assaults
he’s undergone. But what could he do? Sadly, this man is one of millions in the
very same condition. Yet, few, if any, realize that something very unusual and
ancient is preparing to emerge upon the scene fulfilling prophetic declaration
by the prophet Jeremiah. Accompanying its advent, a drama of traumatic fear is resolute
to overcome all believers for the purpose of restraining revival and cancelling
all godly progress. It’s my hope to expose this thing for what it is, how it
works and what’s necessary to conquer it. But for now, I want you to consider
this. A drama of trauma is at work in the earth designed to batter humankind
into an ingrown submissive state by using all manner of recurring heart breaks
and worrisome conditions. We need to know what’s going on and why it’s so
Jer 48:46 Woe be unto
thee, O Moab! the people of Chemosh perisheth: for thy sons are taken captives,
and thy daughters captives. 47 Yet will I bring again the captivity of Moab in
the latter days, saith the LORD. Thus far is the judgment of Moab. KJV
Jer 48:46 Woe to you, O
Moab! The people of [the god] Chemosh are undone; for your sons are taken away
captive and your daughters into captivity. 47 Yet will I reverse the captivity
and restore the fortunes of Moab in the latter days, says the Lord. Thus far is
the judgment on Moab. AMP
Many years ago, as I was
studying the subject of things pertaining to the End Times, I discovered an
unusual prophetic statement in Jeremiah that intrigued me, because it made no
sense. Jeremiah prophesied that the captivity and fortunes of Moab will be
restored in the latter days. This doesn’t seem logical because, naturally
speaking, Moab is no longer a geographic nation or people group. It just
doesn’t exist. Yet, God said Moab’s bondage will be annulled and his fortunes
restored. How can this possibly be?
After over 20 years of
examining this, and having considered dozens of respected theological commentaries,
I’ve come the conclusion that no one really knows what this means. Their opinions
are as varied as the colors in creation. I believe that this subject begs to be
explained with revelation and intelligence, so to help you see what’s
potentially happening here.
recent years, as tensions about world circumstances have increased, I’ve
observed a swelling, cloaked spirit of fear overcoming believers. Furthermore,
there is a growing rate of daily, life-damaging traumas occurring in individual
lives that are producing some very disconcerting postures that shouldn’t be
ignored. As prophetic messages emerge, especially the ones that forecast doom
because of sin and carrying God’s judgment, whether they be right or wrong, a
mixed sort of reactions is being expressed by believers from the wide breadth
of the Church. Some of these attitudes are good and healthy. But there is a
multitude that are not. For example, when an untrained believer hears about
inevitable judgment, national destruction, economic collapse etc, and that
person doesn’t have a stable relationship with God, or doesn’t possess an understanding
of the foundational doctrines of the faith, then an unhealthy form of traumatizing
fear develops. This type of fear is not same thing as the fear or awe of the
Lord (See -Newsletter Archives with the articles on the Fear of the Lord.) The
fear that results from wrongly interpreting and reacting to doomsday messages
magnifies the problems. It then becomes conspiratorially-oriented and
eventually loses any forward positive momentum to generate things born through
faith in God and His word. Because of this, there is a manner of fatalism
developing within many believers that results in unproductivity. Persons, so
driven, acquiesce to anything that they interpret as God’s judgment on sin, through
doom or catastrophic circumstances. They ignorantly believe “whatever will be
will be” according to their understanding of God. Because of this, and the
pattern that follows, they become ingrown, selfish, and more serious about the
problems than they are about knowing God. Consequently, they don’t activate faith
to try to bring about positive change. It’s a downward spiral once it begins,
but like judgment, it can be delayed, or avoided entirely, if there is
understanding as to what to do and how to react.
if God isn’t speaking about restoring the geographic nation of Moab, or its
extinct people, what is He addressing?
In studying “Moab”, you won’t
grasp the subject entirely until you realize that Moab comprises four different
things. First of all, it’s the name of the incestuous son of Lot. Secondly, it
refers to the land of Moab. Third, Moab is speaking of the people group or
nation of Moab. And finally, the most challenging, Moab appears to be a demonic
entity, possibly a principality, directly connected to last days events. If you
take a look at Jeremiah 48 and tear it apart there are just too many places in
the passage to ignore that distinguish Moab, the nation and people group, from what
give the impression of a demonic being.
Moab is defined as several
things, depending on which resource you look at. Its definition also infers
some features that help us understand the characteristics of what is associated
with Moab when it manifests. Moab’s name means “perhaps of my father” and “From
father”, since he was born of Lot through an incestuous relation with the eldest
daughter. We also need to take into account what Moab is associated with. Moab
infers that which is incestuous, ingrown, and anything that breeds off itself
rather than growing outward. Therefore, anything dominated by it eventually becomes
ingrown, along with an unhealthy form of introspection. Keep this in mind when
we look at the effects of Moab on evangelism and revival.
Threaded throughout the
Scriptures pertaining to Moab, you’ll also discover that Moab is identified as
both masculine and feminine genders. In most cases, when it’s referred to as
feminine, it seems to be identified with the people or nation of Moab. However,
when Moab is repeatedly addressed as he, him, or his it appears to be
identifying a person or entity. Moab, the son of Lot, was long gone by the time these verses
were written. So, it can’t be referring to him. It must be talking about a
principality or entity. Besides, how can Moab howl for Moab, (Isa. 16:7) unless
there are two distinguishable identities here? (See the references below)
Num 21:29 Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of
Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity
unto Sihon king of the Amorites. KJ
Isaiah 15:5 My heart shall cry
out for Moab; his fugitives shall flee unto Zoar, an heifer of three years old:
for by the mounting up of Luhith with weeping shall they go it up; for in the
way of Horonaim they shall raise up a cry of destruction. KJV
Isaiah 16:6 We have heard
of the pride of Moab; he is very proud: even of his haughtiness, and his pride,
and his wrath: but his lies shall not be so 7 Therefore shall Moab howl for
Moab, every one shall howl: for the foundations of Kir-hareseth shall ye mourn;
surely they are stricken. KJV
Jeremiah 48:11 Moab hath been at ease from his youth, and he
hath settled on his lees, and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel,
neither hath he gone into captivity: therefore his taste remained in him, and
his scent is not changed. KJV
48:15 Moab is spoiled, and gone up out of her cities, and his chosen young men
are gone down to the slaughter, saith the King, whose name is the LORD of
hosts. KJV
48:16 The calamity of Moab is near to come, and his affliction hasteth fast.
48:25 The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, saith the LORD. KJV
48:26 Make ye him drunken: for he magnified himself against the LORD: Moab also
shall wallow in his vomit, and he also shall be in derision. KJV
48:29 We have heard the pride of Moab, (he is exceeding proud) his loftiness,
and his arrogancy, and his pride, and the haughtiness of his heart.KJV
48:42 And Moab shall be destroyed from being a people, because he hath
magnified himself against the LORD.KJV
can’t say I understand why God told Jeremiah to forecast the return of Moab in
the latter times. But, from what I’ve come to understand of what it can do and what
it needs to function, I believe we would be unwise to dismiss it. Especially,
when it could very well be a primary enemy determined to hinder revival.
why the drama of trauma?
though we’ll spend more time examining Moab’s history, later on, you must understand
one thing. Moab was generated out of extreme trauma. Therefore, in order for
the entity, or principality, of Moab to re-develop a footing, trauma, extreme trauma, must be present
in a region or people. The harrowing events of the judgment and destruction of
Sodom and Gomorrah created an overwhelming of fear that provoked Lot’s single
daughters to engage in incestuous relations with their father once he was
intoxicated. Their trauma shaped such an intense fear that they did things that
were unnatural and sinful.
21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves
roaring; 26 Men’s hearts failing them
for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for
the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

warned that in the Last Days before His return, whenever that is, men’s hearts
would fail them because of fear. He foretold that, because of massive
unsettling events, humanity would be perplexed and fall into a confounded state
of shock. Moreover, the time before Jesus’ return will be punctuated with
traumatic events affecting all levels of human existence. I’m not in dispute
or agreement with all of the prophetic messages, both unsettling and
positive, that are coming out in this day. However, I’m very concerned with the
fruit that some of these messages generate. If we are not watchful and
discerning about what we’re hearing and believing, we could easily fall prey to
an overwhelming fear that develops out of being traumatized. Moab came into
existence because of how three people reacted to traumatic events. We need to
be aware of what we are about to see on a larger scale. I don’t know when Jesus
is returning so I won’t step out and say we’re totally in the time He
predicted. But I’d have to be blind not to recognize the increase of heart
breaking events in the earth. These things, if not acknowledged for what they
are, and what they can do, may very well contribute to an ingrown, self-seeking
fearful Church. We need wisdom and understanding for this season. But let me
leave you with this thought.
the Baptist could be considered to be one of the most powerful revivalists
prior to the establishment of the Church. His ministry ended, however, when he
was imprisoned and beheaded by Herod. I find it extremely interesting, that the
Baptist’s life ended in a prison located in what was formerly Moab. (Matt.
14:10) Could there be a spiritual precedent here? Does Moab kill revivalists in
an attempt to prevent revival? I can’t help but wonder. It’s also
thought-provoking when I read the account of Moab’s invasion of the region,
once Elisha the prophet was dead. (2 Kings 13:20) Does a genuine movement of
prophetic expression restrain Moab from operating? These are important
questions needing answers.
we journey through this significant topic I would challenge you. Assess your
life and see if fear is dominating your expressions? Have you been repeatedly
traumatized by painful, demanding events and situations that have caused you to
turn inward, fearful of going forward, and reaching out? You may be dealing
with Moab more than you realize. I hope you’ll take time to read the entirety
of these articles as they come out so you can learn how to take your stand for
God and live in the large manner He has called you to. We’re in a battle and if
we do not recognize the enemy we are facing, we will not reap the harvest God
desires for us to reap.
to the extensive dental work Dr. Winslow has been undergoing, she has not been
traveling and ministering. Instead she has been spending the time at home recuperating,
and when able, researching and writing new books, newsletter articles,
blogging, composing music and doing the illustrations for her upcoming
children’s books. She is in hopes to begin traveling again in June if she
receives invitations to do so. But at this point in time the invitations are
few. Dr. Winslow does not draw a salary or get a regular paycheck like the
ministers and pastors of a local church setting. The way God has supplied for
her financial income and needs has usually been through the meetings she does.
In those services she generally, though not always, receives honorariums, and
gains income from the sale of her products along with some sales from her
website. Then, on occasion someone led by the Lord will send or wire a financial
gift. Most people do not understand that this is how she operates. So if God
would lay her on your heart during these quiet months to help her financially
she would genuinely appreciate it. Thankfully the bills for the dental work are
covered. But each daily need is by faith and any outside contribution is part
of the walk of faith. Additionally, if God is leading you to invite her to
speak at your church or conference please contact her through the email and we will get back to you to
see if something can be set up.
are also several ministry equipment needs she is aiming to purchase or acquire.
Those are as follows.
new computer for recording her new music pieces in advance of going to the
recording studio NEW WINE RECORDING AND
MASTERING STUDIO in California. With this new computer she can pre-record a
lot of the music before going to California and saving herself a great deal of
money for each new project. The new computer will be used to exclusively run an
upgrade PROTOOLS recording software program and music software that will help
her arrange and put together top quality music.
computer will cost between $2000- 2400 USD. The PROTOOLS software will cost
$600. She also needs two instrument condenser microphones that can be purchased
for $120 and one good quality vocal microphone that can be purchased for around
Winslow started a Facebook Public Page on June 5, 2011 for the purpose of
sharing short teachings and keeping people connected with what she is doing in
the ministry. She now has over 240 followers and many readers from all over the
world and it’s growing. If you are on Facebook and want to be more connected to
what she is doing check her page out. One word of caution though. She doesn’t
answer questions and dialogue on this page as it would take up her time away
from other things she needs to be focusing on. The address is at
some time and check out Dr. Winslow’s blog entitled TRUTH THAT WORKS. She posts
regular longer teaching articles on her blog mostly about subjects related to
biblical truth. If you enjoy her teachings become a follower and read what she
is currently speaking pertaining to truth.
Dr. Tamara
is scheduling, for the months of May onward. She is tentatively planning to be
in Singapore, Canada and England this year, as well as several other locations
in the US. Currently her confirmed schedule is as follows:
September 17th. Tuesday
night service
555 Markham Woods Road Longwood, Florida
Bishop/ Pastor
Mark Chironna
Please be praying with her as she recovers from the dental
work and plans her upcoming travel schedule. If you would like for Dr. Winslow
to speak at your church, function or group, please contact her at her website
and email her at
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